How is EWP and Dr. Sholl’s the same…and why should I care?

“EWP is like putting foam in your shoe for better comfort and support.” 

shoe insert and equalsHutch Hanger Wear pad installed with EWP Poly Pad




You know…when you think about it…Martin from Bulk Transportation is right! Both products “ABSORB SHOCK” and “VIBRATION”.

As you know, the suspension is constantly moving up and down…up and down…Without EWP you have “Metal on Metal”.

Cracks, potholes and other imperfections in the roadways put a lot of pressure upon the suspension, trailer frame and contents. If you live in Michigan, like we do, whole cars are swallowed by potholes!

EWP separates that “Metal on Metal Wear” by adding 8 additional contact points (tandem) that help absorb vibration. These points help reduce stress on the trailer’s components such as lights, springs, frame structure, doors, rivets, etc.  EWP helps protect the integrity of the entire trailer.

That’s no difference than a Dr. Sholl’s pad that is trying to help with knee pain. Protecting your knees and as in this case “YOUR TRAILER” is a worthwhile investment!

Also, that constant up and down motion can lead to suspensions getting out of alignment. EWP is comprised of a natural lubricant that helps the suspension come back into alignment quicker.

AND…Every second that your spring suspension is in alignment you have LESS RESISTANCE, YOU USE LESS FUEL AND REDUCE TIRE SCRUBBING.

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